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What are PCBs?
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1. Bioaccumulation -

2. Biotransformation -

3. Congener -


4. Congener specific analysis -


5. Contaminant -


6. Core sampling -


7. Dechlorination -


8. Dredging -


9. Homologue -


10. Porewater exchange -


11. Transect sampling -


12. Water column study -

  1. The process by which contaminantsaccumulate as they move up the food chain.
  2. The process in which compounds are biologically changed.
  3. One of the 209 diffrent PCB compounds.
  4. A form of chemical analysisthat specifically identifies PCBs.
  5. A chemical substance that is harmful to the enviornment.
  6. Samples are taken by pushing a hollow tube into the river bottom.
  7. The process of removing chlorine from a substance.
  8. The removing of PCBs from an ecosystem.
  9. A grouping of PCB congeners based on the number of chlorine molocules present.
  10. Exchange of water contained within the sediment of the Hudson with the overlying river water.
  11. Sequential river water sampling at 12 to 15 stations providing instantaneous snapshots of water column PCB levels.
  12. Investigation of water-borne PCBs to characterize their sources, movement, and distribution.

Tool being used to test for contamination in the river.